
BrittanaCon 2015, August 14 - 16, Chicago, IL

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn’t answered here or elsewhere on the site, you can send an ask to our Tumblr, or email

   1) What is BrittanaCon?

BrittanaCon is an in-person gathering of Brittana fans from all over the map to celebrate everything about our awesome ship in amazing ways that can’t be duplicated online. For some, it's a chance to meet their Tumblr friends or favorite fic authors in-person. For others, it's a chance to make new friends they'd never get to meet otherwise. It's certainly a rare opportunity to be in a safe space surrounded by others who love Brittana as much as you do. No matter what your angle, it's going to be a fantastic time.

Some people have been a bit confused about what BrittanaCon is and isn't, so allow us to clarify a few points:

It Is trying to be as inclusive as possible by providing a variety of events, topics, and opportunities to participate. But we also know it won't be every Brittana shipper's idea of a good time.

BrittanaCon isn't HeyaCon, and it isn't about Naya or Heather. It IS a Heya-friendly space just as much as it's friendly to any interest, and we want our attendees to feel safe and validated. It IS focused on Brittana first and foremost.

BrittanaCon isn't a way of trying to get attention from Naya, Heather or Ryan Murphy, or even anything we need them to know about. It IS a way for fans with similar interests to hang out and have a great time.

BrittanaCon was inspired by FaberryCon and owes a lot to their organizers who have helped us get started, thanks!

2) Will this be the only con?

2015 is the second BrittanaCon we've run.   We have high hopes that it will be as successful as the first and that we'll be able to have more in the future in different locations.

3) How did you choose the location and date?

The location was selected based on a) accessibility and familiarity by the con chair, b) votes from possible attendees, and c) considerations for weather and cost during particular times of the year. We want to make the con accessible to the most people at the lowest cost without just catering exclusively to one region of the US.

Dates for the con were selected based on the con chair's availability, votes from possible attendees, and to ensure we had enough time so that planning could be realistically completed.

4) I can’t go! Will you be streaming or filming any of the event so I can see the awesome things that happened?

BrittanaCon will have a few select events filmed (in part, if not in all) for distribution to attendees after the con is over. This video will also be available to people who purchase a supporting membership. The con will not be filmed in its entirety, or in any large percentage, nor will anything filmed be available on YouTube for general consumption. This is to protect the confidentiality of the con attendees and provide a safe environment.

5) Can anyone come?

BrittanaCon is only for attendees 18 and over (as of the con’s start date). We apologize to anyone underage who was hoping to come. It’s nothing personal, we promise — it’s a liability issue for the con organizer. But you can still be involved! And you can still get a supporting membership as long as you're 14+.

6) How long will the con be?

BrittanaCon will be over a weekend. For BrittanaCon 2015, events will run from Friday afternoon until late Saturday evening.  We advise people to arrive/check into the hotel by 3pm on Friday as registration check-in starts at 4:00pm.

7) Are Naya Rivera or Heather Morris going to be there?

Nope. No actors or celebrities are being invited by the con. That path leads to outrageous costs and almost surefire disappointment in some way. This is a fan con run by fans and for fans. This con is about the characters, not the actors. But even more, it's about US.

8) How many people can attend?

The meeting space we have at the hotel holds 30-50 people.

9) I'm a fic author and I hear you're doing a Q&A. I'd love to be involved if you have room for me on your panel. Is that possible?

Definitely! We are trying to give everyone a chance to share their experiences who want to. Contact

10) I want to help spread the word! Which post(s) should I reblog? What tag should I use?

Any of our Tumblr posts or tweets would be good! We're using the tags #brittanacon and #brittanacon 2015. Thanks for helping!

11) I accidentally ordered the wrong T-Shirt size. What can I do?

Send an email as soon as possible to with your name and the correct size required and we'll make sure your information is updated.

More info coming soon!